Mary Egan
B.A. H.D.E. H.D.C.G.
Address & Based In:
Maypowder, Barrymore, Athlone
Qualified Myers Briggs & Choice Theory Practitioner, Qualified Life Coach with Executive Coaching, Kingstown College (QQI recognised).
I have spent most of my adult life working with young people, helping them to explore and unlock their potential. Every client has the knowledge within to understand what suits her/him best but sometimes need help with the exploration process. I provide tools to help the exploration process and offer information, advice and guidance to help clients make realistic choices about their education, training and work. It is a great privilege to assist with this process and see it to a successful conclusion.
I have recently joined Andrée Harpur and Associates, one of Ireland’s most respected and longest established career consultancies. This was a natural choice for me as I feel passionately about the importance of providing a very professional service for young people and adults seeking career advice.
I have considerable experience in working with young people at both second and third level. This has given me a very good overview of the many possibilities for progression and change there are during one’s educational journey. There are many routes to the finishing line.
I have also worked with adults who were considering a career change or who found themselves at a “life crossroads”. This is very interesting work as there are so many other variables to consider with people who have a lot of life experience. It can require great courage initially to undertake the first step but it can also result in providing a whole range of exciting new opportunities.
In addition I worked with state agencies assisting marginalised young adults to explore their options and to make effective choices which resulted in them getting on the training and educational ladder; this was very rewarding as many of them had left school early.
My third level experience also included doing considerable work with the major employers in the area of graduate recruitment: financial, engineering, educational, ICT, Civil Service etc. I have a great understanding of the world of work, the recruitment process and the type of “soft skills” (in addition to qualifications) graduate employers look for.
In addition to the above I have been privileged to assist legal professionals by profiling and directing or redirecting young people who have suffered setbacks due to accidents or mishaps. There is always a career to suit everyone, no matter how limiting s/he might think their circumstances. This has been very rewarding work.
I am a member of the Institute Guidance Counsellors and sat on the National executive for three years. During that time I was the Convenor for the Continuing Professional Development sub-committee. In this role I ensured that Guidance Counsellors, nationwide, were able to avail of high quality training to enable them to maintain their skills and practices to the optimum standards.
I was the Chairperson of my local IGC branch for three years. I was also instrumental during my time with my branch in hosting the IGC’s national Conference in the midlands. I have put a lot of my time and energy into ensuring that, as a professional body, we maintain our standards and practices to the very highest standards.
I would like to offer my considerable experience to you today to assist you in making the best choice for your career, in helping you to start on that ladder that will take you to your dreams.
So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable. Christopher Reeve.
To meet with Mary for a face-to-face, please click the button below, where you will be redirected to MeetFox, our third-party website which efficiently manages our bookings.